Tuesday, March 5, 2013

20+ Big Things To Do Before I Turn 30

It's Megan's turn! I even changed the format of this thing just a smidge so you can tell who's posting right from the get-go! :D Smart, right? Thought eventually, I think I'm going to put together special post headers, to make it even more apparent. :)

So... I turn 25 in a month. That's a big deal yknow? That's a quarter of a century! By all accounts, I'm an adult! And, well, I kinda thought it'd be an awesome idea to put together a list of big goals to achieve I before the big 30. Five years is a long time, but then again, it'll probably go by super fast....

1. Graduate art school and find a stable full time job in art or animation that I thoroughly enjoy.
Kinda self-explanatory, but probably also the biggest most important thing on this list.

2. Be 100% independent from the folks. Being a college student, I rely so much on my parents still, and having relied on them for so long starts to make me feel guilty and terrible. I can't wait for the day where I'm finally on my own.

3. Run a 5K - like, without stopping. Considering my self-confidence in myself is so low I have a hard time being seen wearing sneakers in public, this will be a doozy.

4. Plant a garden of some kind,  even if it's just a little herb garden on the windowsill.

5. Take an epic road trip,  preferably to New England. I love me a good road trip, and hey, while I'm on this side of the country, why not? I also have a lot of friends up there.

6. While on the topic of "On this side of the country" -- Disney World and Wizarding World of Harry Potter. 

7. Pay off my student loan debts. Even with parental help, I'm still racking in a good amount of student loans. I'd like to pay them all off by the time I'm 30.

8. Have a booth at an artist alley of a comic convention. This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I hope to one day do it, even if I have to split the cost with 4 other people.

9. Go to CTN Expo. This is a huge animation expo, the biggest in the country for my industry. I gotta go.

10. Buy an Expedit bookshelf from IKEA. No, seriously. This is a big thing for me. I mean, seriously, look how gorgeous it is!

11.Dye my hair a crazy color. I've always wanted to, and I figure I should do it while I still have the chance!

12. Be okay with selling artwork and taking commissions. This is definitely a confidence thing. I really want to be able to make money off my art, not feel like it's only MAYBE good enough to give away to family members....

13. Take more pictures, and start documenting my years in a more permanent fashion. This definitely goes hand in hand with the blog - my favorite blogs are loaded with beautiful pictures, and just right now, I'm without a camera (note to self - waterproof doesn't always mean waterproof, because shockproof doesn't always mean shockproof). Once I get a new camera, I want to start making "yearbooks" of my life, so I can look back on them. Yay shutterfly!

14. Go to New York City. This is pretty much a given, right?
15. Go white water rafting again. My dad has taken me on whitewater rafting trips a bunch of times, and I loved them. I'd love to go again.

16. Visit another country, preferably in Europe. If I don't get to visit by the time I'm 30, I may add it to my bucket list for the future to do a house exchange with a family in Europe - that's totally a thing, yknow!

17. Get a dog. I really want a dog. A *real* dog. Like a lab or a shepherd or a retriever. Someone to take walks and play fetch. Who can have a doggy door, lol.

18. Get into thrifting and DIY projects. Again, I know of so many blogs where they go yard saling (is that a word?) or thrifting, bringing home junky ol' pieces of furniture or home decor, and fixing them up new. I *really* want to do this, but I just don't have time, money, or the room for it all now.

19. Learn to play guitar. I've been playing musical instruments for as long as I can remember. Viola, steel drums, clarinet, piano. October 2010, I picked up my first ukulele as a kind of transition from viola to guitar. I've got the ukulele pretty much down. I want to take the next step, and learn guitar!

20. Find myself a home. Since I graduated high school 7 years ago (wow), I haven't lived in one place for more than a year at a time. And I'm not just talking moving from apartment to apartment. Most times, I was moving hundreds of miles away, and sometimes that move was for only a couple of months (dorm to my mom's house and back, for example). My life has felt so stuck on hold, and it's because of this that a lot of other items of this list exist (namely 4, 10, 17, 18, and 19). I hate having to go "Man... I really want to learn to play guitar.... but guitars are so BIG! What will I DO with it in x number of months when I have to move again?? *sigh* I guess I'll just wait...." That's been my mentality for SEVEN FRICKEN YEARS. And I'm done with it. I want a home. I want a place that's mine. That's not just a bedroom in a communal living arrangement like a college dorm, but a place I can really call my own. A place to LIVE in, rather than STAY in. I just can't even comprehend the concept of it. Being able to have my bookshelf of animation books in the living room. Being able to put stuff on the walls and not have to double check with my roommates that they approve. I want a place of my own. I want to find a home. I hope I can have that by the time I'm thirty. Even if I'm still renting. I just want more stability.... I want to feel at home.

So yeah. Those are my big goals for the next five years. They are by no means the only goals, and I'm sure as life traverses on my priorities will shift a bit and some things might become higher priority than other things... BUT I BETTER GET THAT EXPEDIT BOOKSHELF GORRAM IT!!!

So, of COURSE, I keep thinking up other things I want to do.... so I'm just gonna catalog them here as I come up with them.

21. Buy a sewing machine - and actually use it! There are so many sewing projects I want to do - hell, I have a space bag full of cut-up sentimental t-shirts I want to turn into a quilt. The problem is - I don't have a sewing machine (let alone time and money for materials). Someday, I want a sewing machine.

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