Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mass Effect First Impressions

My initial exposure to Mass Effect has been a bit dull. It begins as a slow crawl across the screen. The idea of getting it too 100% completion seemed painstaking and lifeless. I expected more from an installation process. Call it nostalgia but I remember when no part of a game was wasted.

Warcraft II was a perfect example of what good looks like in a install. Sure it took forever on my Pentium 4 Processor, custom built by my step dad and I but it sure did make the most of that time. It had epic war music to get you in the mood for pushing back the Tides of Darkness. It had a picture slide show that gave reference to events in the lore that lead to this moment. It even sprinkled in helpful tips about how the game is played. So that by the time you got into the game you were already well on your way.

My Hatred for wasted and inefficient uses of space has really soiled my first impression. Really lazy design work from Bioware.

I hope the game gets better.