I will not be gone forever. I do not know why I am as sad as I am. I am happy to shut the door on the part of my life that is a 24 year old living with his parents but I am also walking away from so many good people; I don’t just mean my family. If you have read any of my blog posts you would know that I ended up in a really depressed place after my separation and divorce from Alexis. My friends saved me. I used to say more than they will ever know but I’m going to tell this story now.

Amber Grim was a relatively new girl at work; very pretty and very warm hearted. She has a kindness to her that is rare and delightful. She saved me. Her random invite to play poker at her boyfriends house started a chain reaction that would lead me to make friends with new amazing people. People so unique and fantastic that I couldn't help but like each of them.
Amber, I always looked forward to the weekends at Best Buy because I knew I’d get to see you. You would always brighten my day. I wish you the very best. Don’t ever forget how talented you are. It is as it always was, if anybody ever gives you a hard time call me and let me know. I’ll always have your back.

Daniel. Oh Daniel what to say. I just left your house after grabbing my microphone and game. As I sat there in your driveway realizing that that might be the last time I go to your house in a while I couldn't help but feel sad. You welcomed me into your life, with all my awkwardness and bad jokes. Little did I know at the time I was about to be surrounded by bad jokes but it would be awesome. Daniel your wit and charm are unparalleled. Your ability to form puns and jokes as second nature is something I will never fully understand. You are easily the funniest person I know and I know you have an amazing career ahead of you. Just never give up.

I met Casey for the first time the very first time I played poker with everyone at Daniels. Casey was weird, unique, loud, adorable and I had a crush. Amber had given me a ride to Daniels that night and as she was taking me home. The first question I had asked her was about you. Well, romance wasn't in the cards for you and I but that didn't stop us from being great friends. We all like to give you a hard time. Your quirks and Caseyisms make that very easy to do but I've had the chance to see past that on multiple occasions and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you have a massive heart. You are kind and caring and I will never forget your kindness.

Cody, you and I met for the first time on the fields of Justice and it wasn't till one day we were both hungry and decided to meet at Wendy’s for food that we had met in person for the first time. I recall you wearing a t-shirt with spaceship on it that was supposed to be some vague reference. You were curious if I would get the reference but of course I didn't. Luckily, our friendship wouldn't be based on whether or not I understood the picture on your shirt. I am always happy to know when you are coming into town. Our games of Magic just don’t feel complete without you there. You are stubborn and a natural born leader. I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish.

Josh, you are just too darn intelligent. You have accomplished more than most people my age and you have been one of my motivators to be better. You and I have had many an awesome conversations on topic ranging from games to science to life; I look forward to many more. It makes me so happy to think about what you will accomplish going forward. Your charm and kindness are contagious, never lose that. I wish you and your bride to be the very best.
Kyle you are awesome. A wonderful artist, respectful, talented, caring, protective, and nice. It’s good to have you at my six in any game or just in general. I know you've got my back. I’ll never forget our long discussions in the hot tub that day. You are incredibly level headed and driven. I know you will be known for great things and I can’t wait to see what you will do.

Jessel and Drew, I really didn't start to get to know y'all very well till recently and I am glad I did. You two are both wonderful people, full of life and ambition. I can’t wait to learn more about you in the years to come.
Jessel, I remember the first time we hung out. You hosted a movie night. You introduced me to Doctor Horrible and we discussed so many topics. I am so excited for you and Melanie. You two are wonderful together.
I don’t mean to be melodramatic but this is the most significant move I have ever made and I am scared, happy, sad, and excited all at once. I am going to miss all of you so much more than I can ever say. I truly loved the weekends at Best Buy, the nights at Daniels, the trips to Steak and Shake and the feeling of friendship I have felt from each of you. I know I will make new friends in Savannah but they can never replace you all.
P.S. I don't care how bad it is you all deserve to see the pilot we made. I am going to finish it.
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