My initial exposure to Mass Effect has been a bit dull. It begins as a slow crawl across the screen. The idea of getting it too 100% completion seemed painstaking and lifeless. I expected more from an installation process. Call it nostalgia but I remember when no part of a game was wasted.
Warcraft II was a perfect example of what good looks like in a install. Sure it took forever on my Pentium 4 Processor, custom built by my step dad and I but it sure did make the most of that time. It had epic war music to get you in the mood for pushing back the Tides of Darkness. It had a picture slide show that gave reference to events in the lore that lead to this moment. It even sprinkled in helpful tips about how the game is played. So that by the time you got into the game you were already well on your way.
My Hatred for wasted and inefficient uses of space has really soiled my first impression. Really lazy design work from Bioware.
I hope the game gets better.
Love Geek Life
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Field of Dreams: A movie I should have seen long ago but am so glad that I didn't.
I love movies. I love the way they take me back to being a child, I love the mediums ability to immerse a viewer in the story, and I love that like baseball, it is a mostly unchanged pastime. In the same way that stadiums got bigger and added lights; theaters have added sound and high definition, but mostly unchanged. They elicit a response from me that is rarely negative. All of that said, I can genuinely say that no movie has ever made me feel the way that this movie has made me feel. The following is not so much a review but a description of how awesome some things can be in this world.
I swear that as the movie began to come to an end I was taken by the most incredible thing. I swear that as I sat there I felt my dads presence with me in that room. Tears filled my eyes and the air became thick. I could feel, with absolute certainty my dads arm hug me from behind. His right hand sitting in the center of chest and then I exploded. I no longer could choke back tears and I sobbed. My arms crossed my own chest in a desperate attempt to hold on to him. I felt so comforted, so at ease, and so loved. I thanked him over and over again and of course, I begged him to stay. Then he was gone. I sat there in awe, and I have no idea what to make of any of it.
So how is it that I have seen so many movies but never seen a movie that is so loved by so many? My family included among them. My family has always said everything happens for a reason, and though I have begun to hold this sentiment as just that, a sentiment; this is most definitely one of those times. I believe that had I seen this movie earlier in my life it simply would not have affected me in the same way. It is really amazing how some times things happen in such a perfect way that the results are incredible.
This is a movie that has been around since 1989. It is loved by most that see it and the technical reviews for this movie are plentiful. For me there were a few things I loved about this film. The cast of characters, the story, and the soundtrack were my favorite parts.
Thank you for reading!
I swear that as the movie began to come to an end I was taken by the most incredible thing. I swear that as I sat there I felt my dads presence with me in that room. Tears filled my eyes and the air became thick. I could feel, with absolute certainty my dads arm hug me from behind. His right hand sitting in the center of chest and then I exploded. I no longer could choke back tears and I sobbed. My arms crossed my own chest in a desperate attempt to hold on to him. I felt so comforted, so at ease, and so loved. I thanked him over and over again and of course, I begged him to stay. Then he was gone. I sat there in awe, and I have no idea what to make of any of it.
So how is it that I have seen so many movies but never seen a movie that is so loved by so many? My family included among them. My family has always said everything happens for a reason, and though I have begun to hold this sentiment as just that, a sentiment; this is most definitely one of those times. I believe that had I seen this movie earlier in my life it simply would not have affected me in the same way. It is really amazing how some times things happen in such a perfect way that the results are incredible.
This is a movie that has been around since 1989. It is loved by most that see it and the technical reviews for this movie are plentiful. For me there were a few things I loved about this film. The cast of characters, the story, and the soundtrack were my favorite parts.
Thank you for reading!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
E3 Expectations for Nintendo
I read a statement from Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto that asked fans to be patient with the Wii U and to support them while they rally to pump out games. Well E3 is around the corner and I am excited by the buzz around them.
After reading that statement I went out and bought a Wii U. After owning it for about a month and owning only one game for it, “Batman: Arkham City” I can say that I am extremely impressed. I knew, when I went to get it, that I was going to like the system but I had no clue it would shatter my expectations. It's beautiful in every aspect. From the moment you open the box and find the HDMI cable to moment you realize that the all of the menus and content are sharp and Crisp, it becomes clear that Nintendo understand the point that they have to prove.
The first point of course being that this is a system for gamers. It is powerful and capable of keeping up with the competitors. Then you notice the wonderful Game Pad. A controller whose primary function is to play serious games, not motion games. This pad in addition to being a typical controller with triggers, bumpers, four thumb button and two analog sticks also has a HD tablet in the center. If you are comfortable with using a DS with two screens then you can use this; in games it functions the same way. It holds your gadgets, mini maps and other tools used in games. You can even hit the home button pull up the full function browser, go to gamefaqs to look up a walk through, and then return to the game.
Now point number two I took on faith and some are still holding out but it is my hope that we will get confirmation at E3 this year. With less than 48 hours till go time it is now Nintendo time to shine and make good on their promises. We need games and Nintendo has already confirmed that E3 this year will be 100% games but of course it is mostly shrouded in mystery.
What we already know thanks to Nintendo directs is that Nintendo now holds an exclusive partnership with Sega. Which includes bringing classic favorites from Sega such as “Sonic” and “Shinobi” to the virtual console but also a new “Sonic Adventures” game.
We also know that Classic Ip's will be making an appearance. “The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD” remake has been public knowledge for a while but the unconfirmed bit is whether or not we will be getting the removed content from the original added back in. Of course we also know that this is just to tide the fans over till the new Zelda content, which is apparently already in the works.
So pretty!
Other Ip's that are rumored to make an appearance is 3D Mario. I love the “Super Mario Galaxy” series but I really hope they move away from that and give us yet another wonderful and innovative game. We also know that this is the Year of Luigi and they have already been showing off the downloadable content for “New Super Luigi U”.
I personally need new info for Monolith Soft's new game “X” which is speculated to be an addition to the Xenosaga series. Hopefully we will get a whole bunch of that revealed.
Watch in HD if you can. This looks great!
We know that Retro Studios, known for their work on “Donkey Kong” and “Metroid” are working on a secret project for Nintendo. Personally, I hope that this is a true “Star Fox” sequel. Please breath life back into this IP.
And then there is “Super Smash Brothers”. This game should be a no-brainer; they just have to get it correct. I really want to see footage and content from this but alas all we have right now are rumors in the wind.
Other prospects I am excited about include:
-“Mario Kart”
-“Mario Party”
-New IP's
-New partnerships with 3rd part developers
-A rich RPG full of awesome.
-This has yet happen ever but please give us “good” Pokemon content for a home system.
Anyways, I love Nintendo. They were my first introduction to gaming and they ignited a passion that I have kept to this day and I will never lose. I really do wish the very best for them this year.
After reading that statement I went out and bought a Wii U. After owning it for about a month and owning only one game for it, “Batman: Arkham City” I can say that I am extremely impressed. I knew, when I went to get it, that I was going to like the system but I had no clue it would shatter my expectations. It's beautiful in every aspect. From the moment you open the box and find the HDMI cable to moment you realize that the all of the menus and content are sharp and Crisp, it becomes clear that Nintendo understand the point that they have to prove.
The first point of course being that this is a system for gamers. It is powerful and capable of keeping up with the competitors. Then you notice the wonderful Game Pad. A controller whose primary function is to play serious games, not motion games. This pad in addition to being a typical controller with triggers, bumpers, four thumb button and two analog sticks also has a HD tablet in the center. If you are comfortable with using a DS with two screens then you can use this; in games it functions the same way. It holds your gadgets, mini maps and other tools used in games. You can even hit the home button pull up the full function browser, go to gamefaqs to look up a walk through, and then return to the game.
Now point number two I took on faith and some are still holding out but it is my hope that we will get confirmation at E3 this year. With less than 48 hours till go time it is now Nintendo time to shine and make good on their promises. We need games and Nintendo has already confirmed that E3 this year will be 100% games but of course it is mostly shrouded in mystery.
What we already know thanks to Nintendo directs is that Nintendo now holds an exclusive partnership with Sega. Which includes bringing classic favorites from Sega such as “Sonic” and “Shinobi” to the virtual console but also a new “Sonic Adventures” game.
We also know that Classic Ip's will be making an appearance. “The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD” remake has been public knowledge for a while but the unconfirmed bit is whether or not we will be getting the removed content from the original added back in. Of course we also know that this is just to tide the fans over till the new Zelda content, which is apparently already in the works.

Other Ip's that are rumored to make an appearance is 3D Mario. I love the “Super Mario Galaxy” series but I really hope they move away from that and give us yet another wonderful and innovative game. We also know that this is the Year of Luigi and they have already been showing off the downloadable content for “New Super Luigi U”.
I personally need new info for Monolith Soft's new game “X” which is speculated to be an addition to the Xenosaga series. Hopefully we will get a whole bunch of that revealed.
Watch in HD if you can. This looks great!
We know that Retro Studios, known for their work on “Donkey Kong” and “Metroid” are working on a secret project for Nintendo. Personally, I hope that this is a true “Star Fox” sequel. Please breath life back into this IP.
And then there is “Super Smash Brothers”. This game should be a no-brainer; they just have to get it correct. I really want to see footage and content from this but alas all we have right now are rumors in the wind.
Other prospects I am excited about include:
-“Mario Kart”
-“Mario Party”
-New IP's
-New partnerships with 3rd part developers
-A rich RPG full of awesome.
-This has yet happen ever but please give us “good” Pokemon content for a home system.
Anyways, I love Nintendo. They were my first introduction to gaming and they ignited a passion that I have kept to this day and I will never lose. I really do wish the very best for them this year.
Donkey Kong,
Star Fox,
Super Smash Brothers,
Wii U,
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Just a Little Update: Superman, Health, and Home.
Love geek life to me, encompasses everything that I love about this new chapter I am in right now. It did dawn on me though that I do not spend enough time talking about the geek or the life aspects of the blog.
Those components are just as important to me as my lovely girlfriend, Megan. That all being said I have decided that I want to take my understanding of the greatest super hero ever to a whole new level by reading Superman comics, a thing I have never done before. My understanding of Superman comes from cartoon network and even the occasional Saturday morning Cartoons when I was very young. I do not have all the details as of yet but I plan to soon. I shall ask reddit for comic arcs to be read.
Now as far as life is concerned I just don’t know where to start. So much is going on down here in my new home of Savannah. I have a new role at work, I’ve gotten lost once or twice…or much more than that but who’s to say really? Any ways, I attended a concert for new SCAD alumni. I went to Tybee Island and hunted for rocks. I have participated in the creation of reference footage for animation…twice. Megan and I were trapped out side in a thunderous downpour. Not to mention moving – twice, in less than a month.
I have wanted to write an article about almost all of these but have just been so overwhelmed. I want to focus on health. Now I know I didn’t mention it above but that’s because I forgot to and don’t want to add it back in but yes health.
Since I have been here I have prepared multiple fresh meals and even tried making things that I have never tried to make before. Also my new job has me basically working out for 9 hours twice a week and Megan and I are doing a lot of walking. My clothes already fit loosely. I plan to get a scale and post results and maybe even a few recipes that I like here in fact I know that I will.
The other thing we plan to do is highlight some the things we do to our new home. There is much going on. From decorating to planting an Herb garden. Hopefully we will see some stuff about that too.
Those components are just as important to me as my lovely girlfriend, Megan. That all being said I have decided that I want to take my understanding of the greatest super hero ever to a whole new level by reading Superman comics, a thing I have never done before. My understanding of Superman comes from cartoon network and even the occasional Saturday morning Cartoons when I was very young. I do not have all the details as of yet but I plan to soon. I shall ask reddit for comic arcs to be read.
Now as far as life is concerned I just don’t know where to start. So much is going on down here in my new home of Savannah. I have a new role at work, I’ve gotten lost once or twice…or much more than that but who’s to say really? Any ways, I attended a concert for new SCAD alumni. I went to Tybee Island and hunted for rocks. I have participated in the creation of reference footage for animation…twice. Megan and I were trapped out side in a thunderous downpour. Not to mention moving – twice, in less than a month.
I have wanted to write an article about almost all of these but have just been so overwhelmed. I want to focus on health. Now I know I didn’t mention it above but that’s because I forgot to and don’t want to add it back in but yes health.
Since I have been here I have prepared multiple fresh meals and even tried making things that I have never tried to make before. Also my new job has me basically working out for 9 hours twice a week and Megan and I are doing a lot of walking. My clothes already fit loosely. I plan to get a scale and post results and maybe even a few recipes that I like here in fact I know that I will.
The other thing we plan to do is highlight some the things we do to our new home. There is much going on. From decorating to planting an Herb garden. Hopefully we will see some stuff about that too.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
New life, new town, new beginnings.
Listening to the new Daft Punk album.
I am done writing about my old marriage. Recently a friend of mine knocked me over the head for bringing her up and he was right to do so. I can’t keep letting her get in the way of now. It is way past time that I put that behind me and I will. Sorry Brent, I know you liked the story but it’s time I moved on.
I have so many great things happening right now in my life. I have an amazing girl, who is insanely hot, immeasurably geeky and so kind. I have a job and I am about to start school. I LIVE AT THE FREAKING BEACH! I have family that is so wonderful and supportive and my friends are great!
I guess in a word, I am thankful for what I have been blessed with.
In other news, We got our new apartment today!
I am done writing about my old marriage. Recently a friend of mine knocked me over the head for bringing her up and he was right to do so. I can’t keep letting her get in the way of now. It is way past time that I put that behind me and I will. Sorry Brent, I know you liked the story but it’s time I moved on.

I have so many great things happening right now in my life. I have an amazing girl, who is insanely hot, immeasurably geeky and so kind. I have a job and I am about to start school. I LIVE AT THE FREAKING BEACH! I have family that is so wonderful and supportive and my friends are great!
I guess in a word, I am thankful for what I have been blessed with.
In other news, We got our new apartment today!

Friday, May 24, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
It's going to suck not being 5 minutes away from these people!

I will not be gone forever. I do not know why I am as sad as I am. I am happy to shut the door on the part of my life that is a 24 year old living with his parents but I am also walking away from so many good people; I don’t just mean my family. If you have read any of my blog posts you would know that I ended up in a really depressed place after my separation and divorce from Alexis. My friends saved me. I used to say more than they will ever know but I’m going to tell this story now.

Amber Grim was a relatively new girl at work; very pretty and very warm hearted. She has a kindness to her that is rare and delightful. She saved me. Her random invite to play poker at her boyfriends house started a chain reaction that would lead me to make friends with new amazing people. People so unique and fantastic that I couldn't help but like each of them.
Amber, I always looked forward to the weekends at Best Buy because I knew I’d get to see you. You would always brighten my day. I wish you the very best. Don’t ever forget how talented you are. It is as it always was, if anybody ever gives you a hard time call me and let me know. I’ll always have your back.

Daniel. Oh Daniel what to say. I just left your house after grabbing my microphone and game. As I sat there in your driveway realizing that that might be the last time I go to your house in a while I couldn't help but feel sad. You welcomed me into your life, with all my awkwardness and bad jokes. Little did I know at the time I was about to be surrounded by bad jokes but it would be awesome. Daniel your wit and charm are unparalleled. Your ability to form puns and jokes as second nature is something I will never fully understand. You are easily the funniest person I know and I know you have an amazing career ahead of you. Just never give up.

I met Casey for the first time the very first time I played poker with everyone at Daniels. Casey was weird, unique, loud, adorable and I had a crush. Amber had given me a ride to Daniels that night and as she was taking me home. The first question I had asked her was about you. Well, romance wasn't in the cards for you and I but that didn't stop us from being great friends. We all like to give you a hard time. Your quirks and Caseyisms make that very easy to do but I've had the chance to see past that on multiple occasions and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you have a massive heart. You are kind and caring and I will never forget your kindness.

Cody, you and I met for the first time on the fields of Justice and it wasn't till one day we were both hungry and decided to meet at Wendy’s for food that we had met in person for the first time. I recall you wearing a t-shirt with spaceship on it that was supposed to be some vague reference. You were curious if I would get the reference but of course I didn't. Luckily, our friendship wouldn't be based on whether or not I understood the picture on your shirt. I am always happy to know when you are coming into town. Our games of Magic just don’t feel complete without you there. You are stubborn and a natural born leader. I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish.

Josh, you are just too darn intelligent. You have accomplished more than most people my age and you have been one of my motivators to be better. You and I have had many an awesome conversations on topic ranging from games to science to life; I look forward to many more. It makes me so happy to think about what you will accomplish going forward. Your charm and kindness are contagious, never lose that. I wish you and your bride to be the very best.
Kyle you are awesome. A wonderful artist, respectful, talented, caring, protective, and nice. It’s good to have you at my six in any game or just in general. I know you've got my back. I’ll never forget our long discussions in the hot tub that day. You are incredibly level headed and driven. I know you will be known for great things and I can’t wait to see what you will do.

Jessel and Drew, I really didn't start to get to know y'all very well till recently and I am glad I did. You two are both wonderful people, full of life and ambition. I can’t wait to learn more about you in the years to come.
Jessel, I remember the first time we hung out. You hosted a movie night. You introduced me to Doctor Horrible and we discussed so many topics. I am so excited for you and Melanie. You two are wonderful together.
I don’t mean to be melodramatic but this is the most significant move I have ever made and I am scared, happy, sad, and excited all at once. I am going to miss all of you so much more than I can ever say. I truly loved the weekends at Best Buy, the nights at Daniels, the trips to Steak and Shake and the feeling of friendship I have felt from each of you. I know I will make new friends in Savannah but they can never replace you all.
P.S. I don't care how bad it is you all deserve to see the pilot we made. I am going to finish it.
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